Earlier spread the rumor about the release of the Sony
Honami though social media sites and gained much popularity but the fact is,
the name “Honami” is a code name that the company has given to it. It might be
the next flagship model from Sony and may come with a different model name.
Genuinely Manufactured
According to the information’s at XperiaBlog and BusinessWeek
it is reported that the Sony will introduce their next flagship smartphone model
at the next IFA. It is expected that the new smartphone might be released with genuine
features such as – new imaging technology for cameras + ultra TVs.
New Camera Technology
Usually Xperia devices are powered by Exmor RS camera which
helps in analog-digital signal transformation and increased noise reduction.
But it is strongly believed that Sony might bring a new camera technology to
its upcoming smartphones.
New Firmware’s
Sony plans seriously on bringing out their next smartphones with
the latest released android version before any others does and there is all
chance that the upcoming smartphones from Sony might be Android kit Kat powered
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